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Lyndsey Thomas

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About Lyndsey

Lyndsey was 14yrs old when she first encountered Pilates, having been sent to ex Northern Ballet Theatre Principal, Graciela Kaplan, for 1:1 classes to strengthen her hyper-mobile body by her balletteacher! She went on to train at The Rambert School of Ballet &Contemporary Dance and Pilates featured predominantly throughout her ten-yearprofessional career, in which she danced with National Dance Company Wales, asa way of preventing and rehabilitating injuries. During this time, she alsostarted teaching dance.


Now a freelance Dance Artist, Lyndsey enjoys sharing her experience with aspiring young dancers and is a core curriculum teacher at The Lowry Centre for Advanced Training, an Associate Lecturer at Edge Hill University and a Rambert Animateur, amongst working on many other artistic projects which keeps her very busy.


Following a car accident in 2012, in which she sustained a fracture to her lower spine, Lyndsey found herself once again focussing on Pilates for her own rehabilitation. She believes that although her body is very much a work in progress, Pilates is ‘the glue which holds her together’! Becoming a Pilates Teacher felt like a natural progression for her career.

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